
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

{ Snow Day ~ Inside Fun! }

Well, by now in the DC area, we are starting to get pretty tired of all this snow.  See, we are not used to getting this much snow and all though I do love to go outside and play in it, I'm sorta getting tired of not going to school to see my friends.  Course, that doesn't stop our teachers from posting "snow work" online for us to math teacher is quite fond of doing this to me every single time we miss a day of school due to snow.  Who ever heard of "snow work"??  I think we should all boycott it!  Anywho, I decided to take a break in between my math worksheets and play with my Julie doll and Cindy's Ruthie doll. 

I have been sooooo looking forward to playing with my dolls at their new table we got last week.  Our good friend, Echo, told us about this "Re-ment" table that was perfect for our dolls.  You can see more about the table and chairs and other Re-ment goodies by visiting Echo's blog - From Echo With Love

We already had some really cute dolly sized toys for our dolls;  My little Julie loves my "lucky pickle" charm and Ruthie is completely ga-ga about Cindy's "lucky cow carton".  We also have itty bitty scissors and a miniature pocket knife that the girls pretend was found at a civil war battlefield, and a mini Lego chihuahua and iPhone! Then there is just other random stuff we have found here and there for our dolls....Cindy and I are suckers for anything that is teeny tiny for our dolls.  We might break down and put our money together to get one of the Re-ment accessories to go with the table but for now, we're good with what we have! 

Just as I was really starting to get into playing, Hope heard Daisy whimpering up on the top bunk in my room and came to "save" her.  Daisy had wanted to be up there for a nap but of course she changed her mind when she saw Honey getting into the fun of playing with me and my dolls. 

"Poor wittle Daisy" Hope was cooing.  "Did that mean Chwistina banish you to the bed so you couldn't join in the fun?  Come here pwecious."  Oh brother, I hate it when Hope talks baby/puppy talk to the dogs.  I mean weally, wight?  LOL.

So, back to Honey was into helping Ruthie play with the tiny brown mouse.  To me it looks more like a cross between a baby kangaroo and a rat but Cindy prefers to call it a mouse, so I'm sticking with that even though I think it's being a bit generous.  I prefer the little grey mouse, so that's who Julie gets to play with.  He's super cute with big ears and a long mousey tail.....♥ him! 


I'm thinking we are gonna have school tomorrow so I best get my butt in gear and go finish that math worksheet (blech!!)  I'm gonna sit here just a few minutes more with my girls and Honey-poo and then it's back to reality.  I wish I could play with my dolls all day long!  

Thanks for reading!!!!  ~Christina ♫

18 Inch Doll Outfits & 18 Inch Doll Accessories by:

Christina's adorable by American Girl® 2011 Skate Board Set
Hope's Sweater by American Girl® and boots from eBay®
Rilakkuma table and chairs from eBay®


  1. We're getting tired of the snow too! Marie has an american girl doll, but not me. I prefer to run around outside, when it's warm!

    1. Hello there, Yes, we love being outside when it's warm too! Today got up into the low 50's and believe me, that felt W.A.R.M. to us! We actually opened the windows a bit to let in some fresh air! And, even though we have had snow in this part of the U.S. as late as March, we are hopeful that the snow is not going to revisit until December!!! ☺ ~Christina ♫

  2. This was so cute! I love Re-ment too!! Can you please post a tour of your dorm, specifically the kitchen? I would love to know where you got your furniture!

    1. Hello! We did have so much fun with our dolls and the new table.....Our dolls were terribly excited to have a table just their size! We hope one day to do a photo tour of the different rooms in our dorm. Is there a particular piece of furniture you'd like to know more about? Feel free to ask! ~Christina ♫

  3. It looks like you had a lot of fun playing with your dolls, Christina! I LOVE that mini iPhone! Where did you get it? :)

    1. Hi Jaclynn, I did have LOADS of fun! That little phone is actually part of one of Trey's Lego figures - shhhhh, don't tell him I "borrowed" it for my Julie! He might get mad at me! ~Christina ♫

    2. Oh, okay! It's so cute and tiny and I love it! LOL! :P
      *Whispers* Oooh, I see. Don't worry, I won't tell ;)

    3. Thanks for *whispering*!! ~Christina ♫

  4. I hear you about the snow. It's great, but now you can't even really play in it because of the melting and refreezing...and all the dirt on it now. BLECH. Oh well, less than 20 days to the first day of spring. :)
    Good luck with the "snow work."

    1. Hi Melody, I agree completely. We all love the snow but you know, like, in moderation! Not this snow but the one before - that was the best one cause we built two huge igloos and that was loads of fun but this time the snow was not the best kind for snowmen or igloos so we just decided to stay in. We're all really looking forward to Spring......and Easter!! ~Christina ♫

    2. Yes, the previous storm was "packable." I have to admit that I like the light fluffy stuff because it is so much easier to shovel. We were thrilled that the last storm barely dusted our town and so sorry it pounded yours. Very much looking forward to spring and Easter. Only 39 days to Easter. :-)

    3. Today, we finally said "goodbye' to most of the snow piles around our house....except a couple that are in deep shade...I bet those will stick around to remind us of our extra snowy winter for at least another week! ~Cindy ♥

  5. Love. Love. Love your blog! I am amazed at your talent and eye for doll styling, background detail, lighting-everything! You truly capture the essence of these dolls! Thank you!

    1. Hi Stephanie! Thank you SO MUCH for your comment. We very much appreciate it! I'll tell all the girls what you said too! ~Christina ♫

  6. Today I had the B.D.O.M.L (best day of my life!) I ended bullying!

    1. Hello S.M. Jean, We hope you ended it in a positive way that benefited all who were involved. That would be a good thing for sure! ~Christina ♫

  7. Why did you start your blog? Why isn't Izzy gonna post?

    1. Hi Anon, We started our blog so that we could share our adventures as well as the everyday things that happen here at the dorm. I am sure that one day, Izzy will get her turn at posting....since she's knew here, she is still getting settled in right now. ~Cindy ♥

  8. Here in California, we're hardly getting any rain! I'm sorry about your snow :(. Where do you keep your clothes? I'm exploring different methods of storage for my girls.

    1. Hi Evie, Fortunately the snow is disappearing...yay!! We keep our clothes organized in plastic multi-drawer organizers we got a Target a couple years ago. And, we put outfits folded nicely into zippy bags to keep them protected. Some of our dresses are on hangers in our closet but most of our clothes/shoes/outerwear items are in the drawers. HTH! ~Cindy ♥

    2. my snow is FINNALY disappearing too!!!!!!!~Tess<3

  9. What camera do you use? Your shots always turn out so beautiful. Keep up the great work! Is there anyway you could share some photography tips?

    1. Hi Evie, We use a Nikon DSLR and also do some post processing. We pay quite a lot of attention to the direction of the lighting to. Best tip we can give you is to learn how to use whatever camera you have in MANUAL mode. This way you are in control of your settings and are well on your way to awesome photos! ~Cindy ♥

    2. Thank you so much! I'm just a developing photographer.

    3. You are more than welcome, Evie. The best thing to do is practice, practice, practice! :)

  10. Hello there! You have been nominated for the Liebster Award on my blog! Congrats on having a wonderful blog!
    Visit my blog to claim your award. :)


  11. Are you going to post on Christina's birthday and throw her a birthday party?

  12. I have nominated you for the prestigious Liebster Award:

  13. hi i am new to your blog and i love it your pictures are AMAZING. Can u check out my blog?

    1. Hi there! We did go to your blog and you have a great start! Be sure to include photos too cause everybody loves photos. Keep up the good work!! ~D3 Girls ♥

  14. Hi! I am a huge fan of your blog. I was wondering, what camera do you use? Your pictures are really cool! Thanks!

    1. Hello there, We use a Nikon DSLR and also do some post processing. We pay quite a lot of attention to the direction of the lighting to. Best tip we can give you is to learn how to use whatever camera you have in MANUAL mode. This way you are in control of your settings and are well on your way to awesome photos! ~Cindy ♥

    2. Thanks! I have a Nikon LI05 and the lighting is always weird, so I'll have to try it in manual!

    3. Excellent! Keep in touch and let us know how it goes! ~D3 Girls ♥

    4. Manual works so much better! Thanks again!

    5. Wonderful....we are very proud of you for making the's really intimidating but worth the extra work! ~Christina ♫

  15. Your rooms are so cute... Will you do a tour?

    1. We hope to do a room-by-room photo tour one day and talk about each of the items. However, if you want to know anything specific, just ask! ~Christina ♫

  16. Where did you get the cute white shelf behind you?

    1. Hi there, those came from Joann Fabric store but they were discontinued unfortunately. :( ~Christina ♫

  17. I'm sorry that you guys in the east had such a rough winter :(. Here in California, we didn't even get any rain! It was crazy weather, and the creek was dry.

  18. Yeah...we missed over a month of school due to all the snow! And whoa, nothing? No rain OR snow?! Oh golly, that's crazy! ~Lanie ☼


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