
Saturday, May 24, 2014

{ Afternoon at the Bay } Part I

Hello you guys!  Long time no talkie!!  I have been super excited to share with you about a little afternoon trip Trey and I took to the Chesapeake Bay last weekend.  The beach is near the quaint town of Chesapeake Beach, MD.  It's a really nice area.  Cindy's grandparents used to come here during the summers when they lived in Washington DC.  That was back in the 1940's and 50's.  It was a welcome break to get out of the city for a couple days and it wasn't too far to travel.  Even though Cindy couldn't come with us this time, she told us about all the cool things to look for on our visit.  When I first arrived, I found this log that had definitely been washed up on the beach for a long time and it was the perfect place to sit and just take in the beautiful view.  

 I got pretty full of 'beautiful view' real fast and wanted to explore!  I mean, I am Lanie and that is what I do, right?  And, Trey was taking so long....he had to "visit" the woods, if you know what I mean.  So, then it hit me...yes!  I'm gonna see if I can balance while walking on this log!  I jumped up and steadied myself and then started walking!  Wheee!

I almost lost it a couple times but was able to save myself and make it all the way from one end to the other! I held my arms out for balance and it worked great! Golly, that was fun.  

You know the sand and stuff at the beach on the Chesapeake Bay is different to the ocean big time!  In addition to sand, there are little pebbles that get left up on the beach at low tide.  I also like the little lappy waves.  They don't scare me like the big ocean waves do.  But then again, they also don't make that wonderful big roar that the ocean waves do.  Also, there is an awful lot of trash that washes up on the bay beach....seeing it all makes me really sad.  I love nature and hate to see trash on the beach with one exception.....beach glass! Technically, it is trash that the big commercial boats and random fisherman throw into the bay.  But the cool thing is that over many, many years of rolling around in the waves and sand, the broken glass pieces get sanded down to a smooth texture.  This turns them into the prettiest pieces of glass you've ever seen!  They call it Beach Glass or Sea Glass.  I have a little collection at home in my camper.  I was really hoping to add to it this trip.  I'll have to show you guys my full collection one day.

The other SUPER cool thing you can find is sharks' teeth.....yep, you heard that right.....sharks' teeth!  THAT is what Trey came along for.  He didn't believe Cindy when she told him that he could find some if he looked really hard.  Finally, Trey appeared from out of the woods and we started walking....looking very intently at the sand.  We didn't talk much.....I guess cause we were so busy looking at the sand for treasures.  Trey walked on ahead of me and I'm pretty sure it's because he wanted to find any sharks' teeth first.  That's okay though, I don't mind cause I'm really looking for beach glass!

As we walked along, we hadn't found any glass or teeth yet and I wondered if we needed to walk closer to the water's edge.  Trey didn't want to take a chance of getting his new shoes wet.  Umm, really Trey?  Like, you knew we were coming to the beach.  Course, it wouldn't bother me cause I dressed appropriately by wearing my new water shoes.  Aren't they cute?  I love the hot pink color cause it matches my bucket and my swimsuit.

So, back to what happened next; all of a sudden, like literally at the exact same time, both Trey and I saw something that made us stop dead in our tracks!  We both started to bend over to pick up the treasure, which I thought was beach glass and darned if it didn't seem like Trey was trying to beat me to it!  Oh no you don't Trey-man, over my dead body!

Then, as we both got closer, I realized that there was BOTH a piece of beach glass and a shark's tooth!  So Trey wasn't after my glass after all.  Turns out, he thought I was after his shark's tooth!!  Oh good golly, it was so stinkin' funny afterwards! We laughed til our sides hurt!

We were both so excited about our finds!  My sea glass was a beautiful green color.  Even though it is not one of the rare colors of sea glass, I was still super duper happy with my find.  And Trey's shark tooth was da bomb!  It was brown and was in perfect shape!

I have more to share about our afternoon in Part II of this adventure...lots more!  In the mean time.....I'd love to hear if you have ever found a shark's tooth or some beach glass?  If so, where did you find it?

18 Inch Doll Outfits & 18 Inch Doll Accessories by:

Trey's shorts and v-neck tee by  Minipparel ~ Etsy®
Trey's shoes & Lanie's shoes from seller; simplethings4now on eBay®
Lanie's swimsuit 2014 "Floral Swim Outfit" by American Girl®
Lanie's super cute pink bucket is from Lovvbugg ~ eBay®


  1. This is one of the most amazing photo stories that I have ever seen! Yet another amazing job, Dolly Dorm Diaries!

    1. Hi, Dollventures! Thank you so much! I am so happy that you like my latest story! Cant wait to share the rest! Trey and I had such a great time! :) ~Lanie

  2. Wow! That is so cool! I've found some pink beach glass but never a sharks tooth. You did a great job balancing on the log Lanie! And great pics!

    1. Hi Heather! Whoa, PINK?! That is SO cool! I haven't ever found pink before. And yes, it was mighty hard to accomplish, but I did it! :D ~Lanie

  3. Can't wait 4 part 2 Lanie! Looks like you had fun!

    1. We was a blast! The weather was just perfect and the water was actually warm! :) ~Lanie

  4. What Camera do you guys use?!


  5. Cute post! Love the pics especially the one where Lanie is walking on the log!

    1. Thank you so much! Walking on the log was challenging, but I'm proud that I accomplished it!! :D ~Lanie

  6. Awesome! The beach my grandparents live on has a ton of Sea Glass, I have quite the collection ;) The sharks tooth is just too cool :)

    1. Really? Cool!! What colors have you found?? And I totally agree- Trey is lucky to have found it!! :) ~Lanie

  7. Amazing!! Fantastic post and pictures can't wait for part 2!!!:D

    1. Thanks! Trey and I had a blast, for sure!! Cant wait to share the rest of it with you! :) ~Lanie

  8. These photos are absolutely amazing! They look professional, and I could see some of them hanging on my wall! I know this was already asked but what camera do you use--specifically?

    1. Hello Ellie, We do get asked what camera we use a lot. However, we don't actually share the exact models (we have two older Nikon models) because even an entry level Canon or Nikon can result is amazing images if you; a) know how to use your camera in MANUAL and b) know how to use a good post processing software program. We never want to give the impression that you have to spend lots of money to get great images....we promise, you do not. You just need to understand how your aperture, ISO and shutter speed all work together to achieve the results you want. And, having an eye for composition helps too! Best of luck to you!!

    2. Ok, thank you! I guess I'll take a closer look at what I can do with my camera now before buying a new one!

    3. Ellie, If we may ask, what camera do you currently own?

    4. What editing system do you use?

    5. Hi Evie, We use several. We use a really, really old version of Photoshop. HTH! ~Lanie ☼

    6. Thanks. For some reason, when I take a picture to put on my blog, It turns out really bad, but the ones I put on Instagram are just fine! Really weird.

    7. Evie, It sounds like your sizing for your photos on your blog are too small. You need to size for your blog. IG photos can be very small in file size because the photos are so small to begin with. Our photos are sized at 72 dpi and 800 pixels wide. Try that on your blog photos and see if it makes a difference. ~D3 Girls

  9. Looks like you guys had lots of fun at the bay! I love your swimsuit Lanie, it's so pretty!

    1. Hi Jessica! Yes, we had a total blast! We were so glad that the weather was perfect, since it was rainy the day before. And thanks, I thought so too! :) ~Lanie

    2. Last time Livy went to the beach i was sick with the flu and had to stay home. We will soon be going to Myrtle Beach Yay! I used Livy's eBay to buy a brand new swimsuit. Can wait! - Samantha.

    3. Aw! Being sick is no fun. Coolio! We went to Myrtle Beach for spring break and had a blast...I'm sure you will too! :) ~Lanie ☼

    4. Did you know Sony makes a real live doll sized laptop??? It is cool but is overpriced for $200. Do you think i should buy it? - Samantha

    5. Hi there, Nope, we sure haven't heard about that. It's too expensive for any of us girls though...I'm good with the one we have as long as I get to spend some time on it every couple days! ~Lanie ☼

  10. Lanie, that swimsuit looks great on you and its really cute! I always love all the girls and Treys posts!

    1. Thanks so much! When I first saw it, I knew I HAD to have it!! ~Lanie ☼

    2. Livy let me use her eBay account and her $150 gift card she got for her birthday so me and felicity could shop online we bought a swimsuit from some Chinese woman online. So we not have a swimsuit,

  11. Aw Lanie, anonymous is right! That swimsuit looks great on you! Dolly Dorm Diaries, since they're retiring Cecile, Marie-Grace, Ivy and Ruthie and making all those changes to the historical line and everything are you buying any of them? I'm sad about the changes, and I'll miss Cece, M-G, Ivy, and Ruthie. I think AG has been making too many changes lately.

    A Dolly Dorm Diaries and former AG fan,


    1. Hi Sarah! You are right, they are making changes but sometimes change can be's all in how you look at it. We love all the girls that are retiring but more than likely they will not be coming to live here at the dorm. I personally think Cecile is a beautiful girl! I think she'd be fun to get to know but from what I hear around the Dorm, that's not likely to happen. What about you? Do YOU want any of these girls before they are gone? ~Lanie ☼

  12. Lanie, does anyone at the Dorm have a crush on Trey?? Just wondering. Sorry if you don't like talking about stuff like that.

    1. Hi Anon....well, you know what? None of the girls have ever said anything out loud about crushing on Trey that I have heard. I have always loved doing stuff with Trey and this time, it was extra special cause it was just me and him. He was so easy to talk to and I loved walking along the beach with him. What was really cool this time was that I realized that we like a lot of the same things; the outdoors, nature, bugs, shells and all kinds of things. I've never shared those feelings with anyone though so please keep it a secret for me, k? ~Lanie ☼

  13. Hi! I just found out that I could comment using anonymous, I'm sooooooo happy because I LOVE your blog! <3 <3 <3 <3 ~Leah

    1. Awesome, Leah! Now you have to promise to comment! Heehee! ~Lanie ☼

    2. :) Lol! I will! :D ~Leah

  14. Hi, I 'm new here and I LOVE your blog! I also love your bucket :)

    1. Ohhh, thank you Rebekah! I adore my little bucket too! It's the perfect size for me to carry all the little treasures I find on the beach! ~Lanie ☼

  15. Nooo!! I finaly got my American Girl doll i bought on ebay and her arm is a thread from falling off!!!

    1. Ohhh good golly Muffins4sale!!! That's terrible! You're going to need to lend your new girl a hand and get her leg tightened up so she can walk! Yikes!!! ~Lanie ☼

  16. Hi! I was wondering, how did you get that little picture of the blue flower icon in the address box?

    1. Hiya! We don't remember now, but if you search "how to add a favicon to my blog" on Google, you should be able to find out how. That's how we did it. :) ~Lanie ☼

  17. Awesome post! Were did you get the bucket? We are going to the beach soon and need one. :) Make sure to check out my blog!
    In a while!!
    Aliah from

    1. Hello Aliah! We bought my super cute pink bucket from eBay...the seller's name is Lovvbugg. I've put a link to her eBay store in at the bottom of the post for you!! ~Lanie ☼

  18. Looks like a really great trip. You look great in that bathing suit. The shoes are great.

    1. Thank you so much! It was a blast!! I cant wait to go back! :D
      ~Lanie ☼

  19. Wow! You take such amazing photos. I love that bathing suit on Lanier! I will have to get it for mine. Would you check out my new blog,

    1. Hey AwesomeAmericanGirl! Thanks so much! You totally should. And yes, I looked at your blog...its super cute! :D
      ~Lanie ☼

  20. Adollable! I find sea glass all the time at my beach! I find navy blues, greens, reds, and hope to find yellows! Great pics! :)

    1. Hi, Amaya! Lucky!!! I cant wait until I find my first red! I've found white, green, brown, aqua and cobalt so far! :)
      ~Lanie ☼

  21. So when are you going to post thenext part?

  22. Wow! Such beautiful photography and Lanie and Trey, you look so good!!! You guys are so adorable. And so many comments as well!
    We got to go to the beach last weekend and we collected loads of sea shells. And we watched Mom try and film some Geography Project, and she met some of her friends and then our dog kept getting in the way and knocked Mom down! Ha! We were just sat there trying not to laugh.

    Lots of Love From,
    Ivy, Harper and Tamzin x

    1. Hey Ivy, Harper, and Tamzin! Aww, thanks! :) Haha, sounds funny! It would've been hard for me to not laugh as well!! ~Lanie ☼

  23. Beautiful Photography! I just started blogging myself and you are such an inspiration to me! :) I can't wait to see the next part!

    1. Thank you so much! We are so happy we are an inspiration to you!! :) ~Lanie ☼

  24. Hello Girls at the Dorm. Us girls from P.A. would like to wish Hope a happy belated birthday and Hollie and Faith a Happy Birthday in Advance! I hope you all have great birthdays! Hollie and Faith I expect chocolate for breakfast on your b-day and if you aren't feeling sick by mid-morning your under doing it. Haha! Hope your well!

    Julie and Company

    Ps. Rebecca butted in about the eating chocolate part. She's a bit well...... crazy!

    1. Hey there, Julie and Company (and Rebecca)! Faith here. Thanks! I will pass along your message to Hollie and Hope as well!
      And yes...that's a very good idea! Hollie and I will have to take that into consideration!! ;)
      ~Faith 。◕‿◕。

  25. Happpy birthday girls will you post about what you got for your birthday??

    :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    1. Hiya Chris! thanks! We really hope to...if we have time before the day we leave for the beach!! :)
      ~Faith & Hollie


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