Friday, September 11, 2015

{ Horseback Riding on the Beach! }

Cindy here!  I have wanted to share this with you guys for over a month now!  Whew, time just gets away from me!  This summer, while visiting the beach on The Outer Banks of North Carolina, Saige, my sister Christina and I did something we have wanted to do for many years.....horseback riding on the beach at sunset!  Since we knew it would be super windy on the beach, we all decided to braid each others hair to keep it out of our faces.  Christina joked that we looked like triplets, lol!  While Saige finished up Christina's braids, I decided to put a braid in the black horse's tail.....omgosh, it looked so cute! ☺

Our American Girl doll adventures - Follow our 18 inch doll diaries at our American Girl Doll House. Visit our 18 inch dolls dollhouse!

Saige chose her jet black horse, Jasper, for me to ride.  She said he would be perfect for me since he was a really laid back and easy-going horse, perfect for a first time rider.  He was such a sweet guy and I have to admit, I totally fell in love with him!  I hoped he'd forgive me for putting a braid in his tail.  At least I finished it off with a blue bow, right? ☺ Saige rode her other horse, Picasso and Christina got to ride Jackson. 

We had a blast walking and trotting down the beach and even into the surf!  All three horses seemed to love the sea spray and would snort and throw their heads as if they were giggling!  They all seemed to pick up their feet a bit higher too when the water broke against their legs.  Part way down the beach, Christina asked if we could stop to give Jasper, Jackson and Picasso a break.  She said if she had to carry 135 pounds on her back, she'd want a little breakie too!  Silly Christina!

During our little rest, Saige told me about some of the wonderful adventures she has had with Jasper.  She said he loves to go trail riding in the woods, especially in the fall when the days are cooler and all the leaves crunch under his hooves.  She also shared that some of his favorite treats are carrots and apples - I laughed and told her mine too!  However, I do like my carrots with a little bit of mayo on them and I bet Jasper would not like that at all, lol! 

 Our American Girl doll adventures - Follow our 18 inch doll diaries at our American Girl Doll House. Visit our 18 inch dolls dollhouse! 

Soon we were back on the horses and heading on down the beach.  Even though it was pleasantly warm, the wind was quite brisk coming off the ocean and I wished I had worn jeans.  Who would have thought to pack jeans to go to the beach?  As we rode along the surf, the sun was dropping quickly and the colors were simply amazing.  We all talked about how quickly the sun was disappearing behind the dunes and soon it would be gone! 

Our American Girl doll adventures - Follow our 18 inch doll diaries at our American Girl Doll House. Visit our 18 inch dolls dollhouse!

Even though we had been riding for an hour, it didn't seem like it.  The evening was quickly coming to a close - much to our dismay.  We all agreed that soon we were going to have to turn around and head back so that we could be back by dark.  We really hated to have such an amazingly perfect evening come to an end - but then, we were hungry and we were pretty sure Jasper, Jackson & Picasso were too! 

Our American Girl doll adventures - Follow our 18 inch doll diaries at our American Girl Doll House. Visit our 18 inch dolls dollhouse!

I bet you guys have had an activity that you didn't want to end.....what were you doing?  Was it with friends or your family?  I know that Christina, Saige and I are still talking about our amazing horseback ride on the beach and how we want to do it again on next year's beach trip.  But in the meantime, fall is coming and I'd love to see Jasper prancing in the crunchy autumn leaves!!  ~ Cindy ♥

18 Inch Doll Outfits & 18 Inch Doll Accessories by:

Cindy & Christina are wearing shorts by Sparrow and Wren Merc - Formerly Janie Jumps
Saige is wearing American Girl of the Year Lanie's meet top American Girl® Doll

Subscribe on YouTube for American Girl Doll House Room Tours and more! 
Be sure to visit us on YouTube!!!


  1. As always, girls, it looks like you had an absolutely lovely time. :)

    1. Hi Ginny!! Yes, yes, yes! We most certainly did! Wish it could have lasted longer! ~Cindy♥

  2. you haven't posted in forever!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Jane! I know right?? Summer was way more busier than we girls expected! Thanks for your comment! ~ Cindy♥

    2. Those outfits are cute!😄 Those pictures are beautiful.-Mia

    3. Those outfits are cute😃! The sunset was beautiful.-Mia

    4. Hi Mia Madeline Cooper! Thank you so much!! ~ Cindy♥

  3. What amazing pictures! I loved this so much. What brand are the horses?

    1. Hi Clara! Thanks so much for your kind words! Our horses are made for us by AG. We love them - all three! Thanks again! ~Cindy ♥

  4. Wow, you guys do look like triplets! :) I have 2 little sisters, and people always mistake us for triplets, lol! You'll have to teach me how to french braid like that, you did a great job. :)
    These pictures are GORGEOUS! The sunset must have been beautiful, a wonderful last taste of summer. ☀ Jasper is so darn cute! I rode a horse that looked really similar to him one summer; her name was Rosie. :D
    It sounds like you guys had a fantastic time!

    1. Hee hee, yes Charlotte, we sorta did look like triplets! Leave it to Christina to come up with something silly! We're sorta sad that summer is coming to an end as well BUT there is always fall to look forward to!! ~Cindy ♥

  5. What a gorgeous little story. Photos are so pretty and really capture the essence of a quiet sunset on the beach! I loved it. :)

    1. Hi Farrah! Thank you so much for your kind words! ~Cindy ♥

  6. Once again, you take amazing photos! I love to take pictures too! You guys looked like you had such a fun! Felicity, Saige, and I love riding in the woods. We're going to have to bring our camera and snap some pics for our blog!
    ~Nicole @

    1. Oh YES! You and the other girls definitely need to take some photos next time you go trail riding! We are definitely gonna try to do that this fall! ~Cindy ♥

  7. Gorgeous pictures and a lovely read :)

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comment, Cate! So glad you took the time to stop by! ~Cindy ♥

  8. Lovely post, as always! :) Can't wait to find out what the "Easter Rumor" is. ;)

    ~Kirsten and Sylvia

    1. Hi Kirsten & Sylva! Thanks so much for your kind comment. Yes, we really do need to reveal that "rumor" don't we? ☺☺☺ Soon! ~Cindy ♥

  9. Cute story and amazing pictures, as usual. :) I love their hair. It's looks so cute and fun. :)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    1. Thanks Christian Homeschooler! All three of us girls had, shall we say.....wavy (pun intended) hair for a few hours after we took out our braids, lol!! Very beachy, indeed! ~Cindy ♥

  10. you are SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me and my sister use't to take horseback riding lessons,i loved it!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Jane! How lucky are you and your sister to be able to take, that is super cool! Thanks for your sweet comment!!! ~Cindy ♥

  11. WOW!!! Those pictures are absolutely BREATHTAKING! :O
    I think it is awesome that you got to go for a ride on the beach with Saige and Christina! It sounds like you had an amazing time together! :) And also, you all look so cute in your matching braids! :)

    1. Hi Jaclynn ~ Glad to see you back! Thanks for your sweet words about our photos! It is so nice to know that our readers enjoy the photos and adventures we have. Thank you from the bottom of our little hearts! We DID have an absolute amazing time! ~Cindy ♥

  12. Looks like you three had a blast! i so want to go horse riding someday! Doing it in a sunset would make it even more incredible!!
    -Lydia ;)

    1. Well hello Lydia! I hope you get to go too! I had never gone riding before but Saige has gone lots and lots. It was loads of fun and I know you'd have a great time!! ~Cindy ♥

  13. What a great adventure! The photos are amazing! I wish I had been on the beach horseback riding! Great job!

    1. Hi Beth!! YES, it was a great adventure! Thank you for your kind words. I hope you get to go one day too! ~Cindy ♥

  14. That looked liked loads of fun! I have always wanted to try horse riding on the beach!
    ~Mira, Kit, Felicity, & Josephina

    P.S. I recently started a doll blog. I'd love it if you'd check it out!

    1. Hi girls! I hope you get to ride on the beach one would LOVE it for sure! Your blog is super cute! Congrats to Josephina on her new Addy doll!! How cute!! ~Cindy ♥

  15. Will y'all be doing a Christmas day post this year? I noticed in the past years you haven't done one. Maybe I just missed it?
    ~Nicole @

    1. Hi Nicole! Good question! We love Christmas so much but it is such a busy time of the year that it's hard to set aside time to post with all the family festivities going on! BUT, since you asked.....we'll see what we can do, okay? ~Cindy ♥

    2. Sounds good! Thanks Cindy! I totally understand though. Christmas IS super busy. Hopefully we'll be able to post as well. :)
      ~Nicole @

  16. Hey D3 girls, could you give me some info about blog nomination and how it works?

    1. Hi Nicole, Gosh, we really don't know. We've gotten some of the awards and then after answering all the questions, you are supposed to pick several other blogs to pass it along but we have never started one of those. HTH!

    2. Yeah, I never have understood it! Thanks!

      ~Nicole @

  17. A wonderful story for closing the summer. I know I'm late in getting to read this...there are only 4 days left in summer now.

    These photos reminded me of our trip to Ocracoke! I'm so glad we got to go again. 2014 was so much fun - 2015 was even better, though a little more rain.

    Last Friday I got to go Ocean City, NJ - so much fun! The beach is just the best. And my hair was braided for that trip too! Quadruplets...well, not really.

    1. LOL, Quadruplets!!! That would be fun! We know what you mean....summer is pretty much over but we will definitely be remembering the beautiful trip to Hatteras. Ocean City sounds fun...we haven't been there in YEARS! We do go to Chincoteague Island every once in a while. Maybe we can do a day trip to Ocean City the next time we go there!

    2. :) We only go when Lady Dartia is east. There seems to be some kind of negative force around it for Xyra. Thankfully during this trip the only mishap was a wrong turn on the way home. Last time, Kaya got locked in the car. :(

    3. Oh no! Poor Kaya! That can be scary if it's hot outside! A wrong turn is much preferable!

  18. i love the beach!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Jane! YES! We do too!!! It's starting to get cooler fall days around here so unfortunately having more beach days will have to wait til next summer! ~Cindy ♥

  19. Hey D3 peeps:
    We went trail riding and posted on our blog about it, just like we promised!
    View it here:

    1. Wowsies!! It looks like ya'll had a super trail riding day!! I wish we had thought of taking a few selfies before returning to the stables! What a great idea! So cute!!!

    2. Thanks for your sweet comment girls (and guys)! We love y'all!
      ~Nicole & the others

  20. Hey y'all! You've been nominated for an award on our blog! Check it out here:
    We can't wait to see your answers! We love you guys! :)
    ~The OurAGDollhouse girls

  21. Could u host a meetup or go to a meetup so I could meet u? Have u been to any meetups?

    1. We'd love to do that one day. The only location we could do that at would be the Tyson's Corner, VA location. Is that close to you?

    2. Ooh, a meetup would be so awesome! Great idea Anonymous!

    3. When would you host the meetup Dolly Dorm Diaries?

    4. Do you live near-ish to the Tyson's Corner American Girl store?

    5. It's not too far from us. We probably would be able to make it, depending on when it is.

    6. Okie dokie...Next time we are planning to go to the Tyson's AG store, we'll give you a heads up, okay?

    7. That'll be great! Just post a comment on our blog somewhere or in this conversation!

  22. This was really cute! I love all the girls' matching hairstyles.;) I wish I had an AG horse - I never really find any here in the UK.:P

    I nominated you for an award on my blog!:) (

    1. We're sorry you do not have American Girl doll horses in the UK! Bummer! We love our Jasper, Jackson & Picasso and our foals Patriot & Truffle. Thanks for the nomination!! ~The D3 Girls♥

  23. These photos are amazing, they look so realistic! :)

    1. Hi Jessica! Thanks so much for your sweet comment! ~D3 Team♥

  24. Did you ever get Grace to come to the Dolly Dorm? I was wondering about the Easter Rumor. :) The girls look like they're having fun!

    1. In fact, yes, Miss Grace is now living at the dorm and she LOVES all her new friends and we all LOVE her right back! We need to share some photos of her! ~Cindy ♥

    2. Wowee! That is exciting! I can't wait to see her! :)

  25. I love your blog!! Are you going to keep posting? I miss you

    1. Yes, we're so sorry it's been way too long. We miss sharing too! I promise soon!!!

  26. I love your blog! Keep posting!! Happy you got Grace! I did too! Come and see her at

    1. Hi Chloe! Yes, we are all thrilled with Miss Grace! She is a lovely girl with a super personality! Your Grace is pretty too! We love her "up-do" in the latest post!! So pretty!!

  27. These photographs are beautiful! I hope to visit sometime.

  28. Hello again! :)
    We were just wondering - where did you get that gray couch that's in your living room? We're interested in furnishing our own dollhouse, but want realistic looking furniture. ;)

    1. We got the couch off of eBay. We believe it was originally by Our Generation. They show up every now and then on eBay. For example,one sold recently that was navy in color. If you simply set up a search using the keywords; "American Girl Couch" and you'll eventually find one! Good luck!!! ~D3 Team♥

  29. Wow, this is pretty! How did you do the background?

    1. Hello Gianna, Thank you for your kind words. Not really understanding your question about the background. Can you explain? ~D3 Team ♥


    1. I mean the beach, and the scenery. Do you do it at a real beach?

    2. Yes Gianna, The girls went riding on the Frisco Beach in N.C. :)

    3. Okay, that's really cool!!

  31. Hey those pics are awe-some:)
    Would u mind if i took a few?

    1. Howdy AGfan! We are so happy you love our photos but we don't allow our photos to be copied and used any where else. Please keep coming back to see them though!!!! ~D3 Team ♥

    2. No thats fine thank u-sorry i have asked on other doll profiles if i can take the photo,before i read this-thx heaps though:)

    3. No problem...we are super happy that you thought they would nice enough that you'd want to use them! We just prefer they stay here. Thank you so much for asking first and understanding! ~D3 Team ♥

  32. Post! You havent in so long, and I love your bpog! Ive read every single post since the beggining! Xheck out my blog at www .

    1. I promise we are TRYING to find time!!! It's so upsetting to us that we cannot seem to find the time!!! Stay tuned!! ~D3 Team ♥


  33. Wow. This literally is one of the best AG photoshoots I have ever seen! :D


    A group of doll bloggers are going to be having a summer doll camp! So if you liked Camp Doll Diaries, then go check it out!

    Here's the link:

    ~Ms. AGdoll~

  34. Will you post again? I've missed your awesome posts!

    1. Yes,I promise we will! This last year has had quite a few challenges but we plan on trying to post again soon. Thank you for your support and patience!!! ~D3 Team

  35. Cool post! I discovered this blog when I was bored and I wanted to find AG blogs. I wasn't bored after discovering this blog! So pretty!
    Thanks for a fun blog! Please post! (No offense meant, I just love your posts!)

    1. Hello Amanda, We promise we will! As mentioned above,this last year has had quite a few challenges but we plan on trying to post again really soon. Thank you for your support and patience!!! And we're glad you found our blog! ~D3 Team

    2. Hello Amanda, We promise we will! As mentioned above,this last year has had quite a few challenges but we plan on trying to post again really soon. Thank you for your support and patience!!! And we're glad you found our blog! ~D3 Team

  36. Hi there! I love reading about the adventures of your dolls. You have great photography! If you don't mind me asking, how DO you get your dolls out for such beautiful pictures outdoors? I feel like I have a roadblock, I'm too scared to take my girls outside for pics! I don't want to set them down where they may fall or be near dirt and bugs (my area is teeming with ants, eep!). Any suggestions? I don't want to just wait for fall every year lol.

    1. Hello Anon, We're so glad you love reading about our dolls' adventures! And thank you for the sweet words about the photography. We don't mind you asking anything so ask away! You know, your question reflects the same feelings a LOT of young girls have. We are a mother-daughter team so we have the benefit of having two sets of hands BUT that doesn't mean you cannot do it on your own, you just have to get a bit creative with where you stand your dolls. Now, we have had some 'accidents' like Faith falling backwards into the salt water when she was on her beach photo shoot with Holly. At first we were worried but you know what? It turned out fine! Faith dried up just fine and a quick rinse of her gorgeous hair and she was back to normal. If you take your dolls outside, they might have a similar experience but we wouldn't change it for anything because if we were too scared to do it, we wouldn't a) have all the fun we have and b) have the beautiful photos to share! Don't worry about the bugs as your girls won't feel their bites, lol. Now for you, I'd take a large towel, large piece of cardboard or even a blanket to lay on so YOU don't get bitten! Go out in the early morning or late afternoon for the best lighting and JUST HAVE FUN!! And don't you dare worry about what others think either - this is your interest and your hobby and it doesn't matter what "others" think about it. Be you to the fullest!! Talk to you again soon, The D3 Team♥

  37. I love this!! I have 6 dolls of my own. Amber (Saige) Pennnie (Caroline) Zoe (57) Kendall (Julie) Rachel (Lea) and Meredith ( i don't know her number because my friend sold me to her! )I really enjoy your blogs!

    1. Hi Marjorie! Love your name and your dollies' names! Welcome to our American Girl Doll Photo Blog! We're so happy you have found us. Our dolls hope to be posting more soon! Keep in touch....~D3 Team♥

  38. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS POST!The picture quality is SOOOO amazing like seriously i heart, heart, heart, heart, your pictures!!!!!!!!

    1. Hello Amariah! Awwww, we agree, this has GOT to be one of our most favorite photos from our beach trips! PLUS, it was so much fun horseback riding on the beach! ~D3 Team♥


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