Hello all! Christina here.....Saige is super duper busy so after begging her constantly for the last couple days, she gave in and is letting me make this post.....Cool beans for sure!!
Yesterday Isabelle and some of us girls had some time to just hang out. Whew, with Christmas right around the corner, there has been an awful lot of activity around here and not much time for just chillaxing! After lunch, we went to the upstairs bedroom, which we all call "the Kanani Room". We decorated it in colors that reminded us of Hawaii, so yeah, that's why we call it that. Moving on. We got Isabelle some yummy hot chocolate and all plopped down to chill.
"Hey Christina, This is a cool bedroom" remarked Isabelle. "I love the colors!" I agreed with her that the colors were super nice. "Isabelle, tell us about your house!"

Isabelle thought for a few seconds and just as she saw the Capiz shell wind chime over Harper's head, she exclaimed, "Oh, I know, I know! In our living room, my mom has hanging this beautiful mobile she made. She named it 'Pond Dreams'. She created it two years ago after one of our visits to the aquatic gardens at Kenilworth Park. It had just rained and big round lily pads covered the pond like shining green scales ~ water lilies and lotuses were scattered around the pond like jewels. The water was sooooo still that it mirrored the sky and the reflections of clouds seemed to glide dreamily around the plants. It really reminded me of the Claude Monet painting we had just seen at a special show at the National Gallery.” Oh boy, we were all glued to her story! Totes cool, she had been to the National Gallery!!!! Isabelle continued; “My mom seemed just as taken by the beauty of the lilies as I was because as soon as we got home she set about working on ideas for this new mobile. Piece by piece mom mounted the different fabrics and scraps that she collected at flea markets, thrift stores and rummage sales onto wire frames. After this, she hung each portion on a wire connected to the ceiling in our living room. When she was finished, it looked like a single water lily surrounded by lots of green lily pads and clouds and rippling water. Randomly placed tiny crystals reflected just like the raindrops in the sun!” We all agreed that we wish we could see this beautiful piece of art her mom created. We were almost in unison with our replies; "Isabelle, you must
promise to send us a photo!"
Just then, Harper jumped in; "Tell us more Isabelle! What's it like being a ballerina? Do you get to dress up in pretty costumes?"

Isabelle was eager to share; "Well, this Fall, my mom encouraged me to design my own costume and so I took out my tablet and my stylus and began sketching and guess what my inspiration was?? The pond lilies! When I was done, my mom really liked it!" Isabelle went on; "So I used 'Henrietta' - my moms sewing machine - to sew my costume. Whenever I spend time in my mom's sewing room, I forget about all the things at school that are bothering me. I just relax and enjoyed the rhythmic sweep of my arm as I send the needle in and out of the material." Then she described her costume, "The tutu part of my costume looks like a pond lily; the gold, yellow and pink layers surround me like the petals of my favorite water lily. I also designed a 'lucky' flower sash for around my waist. My teacher has a 'lucky scarf' and I decided I wanted something similar. I will wear both my lucky scarf and my tutu over top of my black unitard."
Now, at this point ALL us girls were
so glued to what Isabelle was saying that NONE of us noticed Daisy, the beagle pup, inching closer and closer to Isabelle's hot cocoa. Then the unthinkable happened - Daisy started licking the whipped cream right off the top of Isabelle's hot chocolate! Not only did it gross me OUT.....I was SO embarrassed!!!! "Bad Daisy, bad, bad Daisy!" I scooped her up and had to totally hide my smile at the bit of whipped cream stuck to her little black nose.
In the sternest voice that I could muster, I chided; "Daisy, you are not allowed to have whipped cream!" Isabelle was super understanding and giggled, "Well, you might as well let her lick the rest since I think I'm going to pass on finishing it myself!" Harper snickered too....but reminded us all that Daisy's tummy might not agree with the rich, creamy treat and
none of us wanted to clean up after
that! Yew!
About this time, Hope spoke up and said, "Bring Daisy over here and put her next to Frolics, Christina. Daisy always minds her manners when she's around Frolics."
Now, Frolics had been minding his own business but when he realized he was being volunteered as the beagle "baby sitter" -
again - he lowered his head, hoping we would change our minds.
Knowing Frolics would be less than thrilled about my request, I decided to butter him up first! "Oh Frolics, you are such a good boy! I wish Daisy here were half as well behaved as you are. You are the best little buddy ever! Would you please keep your eye on Daisy for me? She could definitely learn from you, you sweet little boy. And, I'll give you a cookie if you do a good job, okay?" Well, now, I knew that using the word "cookie" would definitely get his attention and I was right! He looked up at me wagging his tail and I knew I'd convinced him that beagle-sitting would be worth it!
Hope, seeing my ploy, jumped in on the act. "Oh Frolics, you are the sweetest, kindest doggie ever! We all love you soooo much!" And, we both lavished him with some love for extra measure!
Frolic lapped up all this extra attention and nuzzled right up to Daisy. We all swore it looked like he was whispering "the rules" to her! And she certainly looked like she was paying attention.....let's hope so!
Meanwhile, Harper had gone to the kitchen to get Isabelle a new cup of cocoa. And, we all reminded her to keep a watchful eye on it! Daisy can be pretty stealth when she wants to be!
We spent a bit more time listening to Isabelle tell us about her good friend, Luisa. And, how there was a girl named Renata that isn't very kind to her and calls her "Dizzy Izzy" every time she makes a mistake on the dance floor. We all agreed that was not very nice at all and that the best thing to do with a person like that is to "kill them with kindness".
Isabelle also told us more about her mom's sewing room and her mom's sewing kit that she keeps in a old carved wooden box that belonged to Isabelle's grandmother - which made it very special to her mom. After this, I left the room to go and get a little present that we had gotten for Isabelle. I'll share more on that in my next post!! Stay tuned! ~Christina :D